Best Ramadan Board Books for Toddlers


Growing up as first generation Muslims in the states, we didn’t have any representation in books. And honestly, even if there were books about Ramadan, Eid, or even Muslims that were accessible, my parents were working hard to keep their six kids fed, clothed, and safe in a world entirely new to them. 

Now that I’m a mom and find that there are so many other things competing for my kids’ attention, I gotta step it up a notch.  Thankfully, there are loads of books for younger kids about Ramadan these days.  

I know, they will chew the pages, and wipe their yogurt-covered hands on any book they touch. So, here are some board books about Ramadan and Quran that can withstand the toddler years: 

R is for Ramadan by Greg Paprocki 

Ramadan Children's Book

In this brightly illustrated book, each letter of the alphabet is listed on a page portraying one aspect of Ramadan with fun and engaging pictures. For example, “D is for Dates,” and “G is for generous,” but my favorite of all is the “I is for Iftar,” with something that looks like ice cream on the table. Don’t @ me, but I may have ice cream for Iftar one night. 

Overall, really cute and to the point. My two year old might sit long enough for three pages a night. We’ll see.

Animals in the Quran by Nyla Ahmad

This one isn’t Ramadan centric, but considering the importance of the Quran during Ramadan, introducing it at their age is a win for me. This board book is great because it has the name of each animal listed in English, Arabic, and even transliterated in English for those who do not read Arabic. 

At the bottom of each page, there's a little rhyme about what that animal does in its natural habitat. For instance, one of the animals listed is a “Quail,” also called a “Salwa” in Arabic, which I had never heard of! I’d recommend this book for three year olds!

Allah Knows All About Me by Yasmin Mussa

This rhyming board book is an introductory message about the belief and love of Allah SWT through simple physical things such as their smelly feet and runny noses, to their feelings and their safety. 

My kids loved the sing-song nature of the words as well as reinforcement that Allah will always be there no matter how we are feeling.

If your little ones are more advanced, check out our other blogpost about Ramadan books for ages 4 and up. May these books fill your children with wonder and excitement in the blessed month of Ramadan. 


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